Vom Ort der Barbarei zum Ort der Kunst

Free Class FaM eingeladen von der initiative studierender am ig farben campus |ACHTUNG NEUES DATUM: 01.07.2010 09.06.2010 | 20:00 | Campus IG Farben der Goethe-Universität, Grüneburgplatz 1

Die Leitung des IG Farben Campus wird nicht müde die “zivilisierende Kraft der Ästhtik” zu beschwören. Dabei sollen die Geister der nationalsozialistischen Geschichte dieses Ortes befriedet und zugleich mahnend gegen studentische Proteste in Stellung gebracht werden. Anhand des Beispiels kritischer Selbstvergewisserung der Goethe-Universität lassen sich sowohl veränderte Legitimationsstrategien herrschender Verhältnisse diskutieren, als auch Veränderungen von Produktionsbedingungen der Kunst selbst, besonders in jenem Feld das sich als kritisches Kunstfeld versteht.

In Nachbereitung dieser Veranstaltung entstand der Text “Den IG-Farben ein Antimonument. Wie Umgehen mit dem Poelzigbau?” der im November 2010 in der Broschüre der Campus-Antifa Frankfurt am Main veröffentlicht wurde.

Vom Ort der Barbarei zum Ort der Kunst

Realismus Aktualisieren

Am 04.08.2009 und 05.08.2009 wird sich die Taking Measures Gruppe der Free Class FFM an diesem öffentlichen Workshop während der Interflugs Summer Academy beteiligen.

Teilnehmerzahl: unbegrenzt; Deutsch / Englisch

Es wird darum gehen, den zeitgenössischen Tendenzen der Ästhetisierung von Politik und den Romantisierungen von Politizität einen am Realismus orientierten Begriff von (Selbst)organisation entgegenzustellen. Die Arbeitsgruppe wird auf eine Publikation hinarbeiten, die unsere Position reflektiert und einem möglichst weiten Kreis zur Verfügung stellt. Einige Texte werden ebenfalls in der Dokumentation der Interflugs-Sommerakademie erscheinen.

2008 wurde mit der Freien Klasse der Städelschule Frankfurt a.M. bereits zu dem Thema gearbeitet:








Realismus Aktualisieren

Taking Measures – Realism Seminar

at Faites votre jeu (Klapperfeldgasse 5, FFM)

Start: 22.05.2009, 20:00, future dates find at http://takingmeasures.blogspot.com/

In our first meeting we discuss these texts: Eugene Lunn – Marxism and Art in the Era of Stalin and Hitler: A Comparison of Brecht and Lukács and the interview with Klaus Herding – Das Überzeitliche im Realismus


Big art sponsors shorten their budgets or melt into air, such as the investment bank Lehman Brothers which also co-financed the Städel Museum in Frankfurt am Main. At the same time the “cultural nation” Germany will profit from art as a local investment, especially in times of economic crisis. The abundance of exhibitions adressing the topic of Germany within the last years[1] show how curatorial concepts can turn art, which even takes a decidedly critical stance against Germany, into a very personal and subjective commitment towards the national state. Max Klebb described these developments aptly as “the critical rebirth of nationalism as culture.”[2] In this way individualized imperatives of artistic production are turned into a subjectivist nationalism which boasts the claim to harbor and utilize limitless dimensions of differences.
The present form of an increasingly visible crisis development within capitalist economy demands a more realistic view on things. In place of the neoliberal euphoria of deregulated markets steps the similarly neoliberal conflict between globalization and national protectionism. But still there is a governmental consensus about taking the economic crisis as an occasion to finally moralize capitalism. The fact that this isn’t primarily meant to flatter NGOs and alter-globalization movements like Attac was made clear by german chancellor Angela Merkel in her new-years speech in 2009: “The crisis reveals the common spirit. Now this common spirit can help us in every situation. (…) We, the Germans, already mastered very different challenges, in the following year we will remeber them.”[3] Shortly after, crisis ridden workers in Great Britain were motivated by a similar sense of national community. They reminded their Labour government of its long made promises by means of a wildcat strike demanding “British Jobs for British Workers”. Here the other side of such “common spirit” of culturalized nationalism becomes clear. Namely the fact that its ideal of affirming differences is based on precarious conditions of bourgeois political economy. As long as the capitalist factory runs well every working worker is welcome at least until the next crisis argument provides the legitimation to reorganize the inventory of Human Resources on a national level.
This present situation illustrates the urgency for a critique of nationalism. So for us as artists the question arises how a cultural nationalism can be confronted in the field of visual arts. Therefore we attempt to discuss realist potentials in art beyond the mere idealization of neoliberal subjectivisms from self-entrepreneurship to “Du-bist-Deutschland” (You-are-Germany[4]). The cultural revitalization of a nationalist romanticism calls for the actualization of realism – a realist stance in art confronting these contemporary forms of national naturalization. But still, it seems that art has more in common with police than with politics. The romantic idea of the artist continues to serve as a tool for subjectivist normalisation. However, the producer of art is still a subject of the enlightenment and as such capable of solidarity and collectivity without the abandonment of identity. Realism as artistic solidarity in opposition to new cultural strategies of nationalism is what we want to address. This is not achieved in the mere reenactment of the historical framework of the debates on realism in visual arts since the beginning of the 19th century. Realism must continously be redeveloped concerning its specific relation to respective historical conditions of crisis.


[1] such as “Made in Germany”, Hannover 2007 or “Vertrautes Terrain”, ZKM Karlsruhe 2008. And in 2009 celebrating the 60th aniversary of Germany: “Flagge zeigen?”, Haus der Geschichte Bonn as well as “SIXTY YEARS. SIXTY WORKS.”, Martin-Gropius-Bau Berlin. And on April 25, 2009 the contemporary art exhibition “2000 Years Varus Battle. COLOSSAL – Art Fact Fiction” (curated by former documenta boss Jan Hoet) celebrates the 2000th aniversary of the founding myth of german identity – the Varus battle in the Teuteburger forest in the Osnabrücker Land. Under the topic “Deutschland 2009″ the Kulturstiftung des Bundes sponsors a range of projects in different art fields such as the theatre project „60 Years in Germany – Warming up to an Uncomfortable Identity“ or the exhibition “Art of Two Germanys / Cold War Cultures” in the Germanische Nationalmuseum in Nürnberg and in the DHM Berlin. Also in cinema the national birthday is celebrated with “Deutschland 09 – 13 kurze Filme zur Lage der Nation” in collaboration with some of the most well known german star-directors.

[2] Max Klebb in “Die Absage an die Nation Kollektivieren”, invitation call for a conference on art and (anti)natioanlism in Berlin, February 2009.

[3] Quoted after Ivo Bozic: “Wollt Ihr den Normalen Krieg?”, in Jungle World Nr. 2, January 2009 (http://jungle-world.com/artikel/2009/02/32405.html )

[4] Du bist Deutschland – “You are Germany” was a social marketing campaign in Germany. Its aim was to achieve positive thinking and a new national feeling.

Taking Measures – Realism Seminar

The Real Estate Show

a project of the Free Class FFM http://freeclassfrankfurt.wordpress.com

in solidarity with Faites votre jeu! www.faitesvotrejeu.tk

Press Review:
Journal Frankfurt 01/2009: Die Top 3 der neuen Kunstausstellungen
Main Echo 16.01.2009: Künstler vor dem Rauswurf
Journal Frankfurt Blog 12.01.2009: Faites votre jeu! jetzt auch auf dem Mond
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 09.01.2009: “Fehlende Gesprächsbereitschaft”
Frankfurt Allgemeine Zeitung 08.01.2009: Hausbestzer laden Ebeling ein
Also visit the press archive of the intiative Faites votre jeu! on http://faitesvotrejeu.tk

Press Release 05.01.2009:

Scroll down for german version

Free Class FFM presents: The Real Estate Show

in solidarity with Faites votre jeu!

Taslima Ahmed | Timothy Furey | Marty Kirchner | Jackie Tarquinio |

Dan Starling | Martin Stiehl | Jeronimo Voss

An exhibition organized by art students from HfBK Städelschule and HFG Offenbach in the self-organized center for art and culture of the initiative Faites votre jeu!

Varrentrappstr. 38, Frankfurt am Main/Germany

Opening 09.01.2009, 19:00

Exhibition dates: 10.01.2009 to 31.01.2009, Tuesdays 19:00 to 22:00, Wednesdays 19:00 to 22:00, Saturdays 17:00 to 21:00 as well as in coordination with the info-line 0160-95656439

In The Real Estate Show the artist group Free Class FFM presents works of students from the art academies HFG Offenbach and HfBK Städelschule. The exhibition specifically relates to the precarious status of the exhibition space in Varrentrappstr. 38. The collaborative installation of artistic and non-artistic interventions in the space of the self-organized artistic and cultural center of the initiative Faites votre jeu! are positioned as a manifestation of artistic solidarity.

On the 2nd of August a former youth center in Varrentrappstr. 38 which was empty and unused for 7 years was revitalized as a self-organized artistic and cultural center by the initiative Faites votre jeu!. Since the reclamation of this building, Faites votre jeu!, as an association of artistic and political interest groups, organizes a practical reply to the social restrictions of urban space in Frankfurt am Main.

We, the artists of The Real Estate Show, declare our solidarity with these measures taken. For many years one can observe the systematic limitation and destruction of self-determined options and prospects in this city. This also concerns a great deal of artists who can’t afford basic preconditions of work in Frankfurt am Main, such as studios, workshops and other spaces of production. In this situation the initiative Faites votre Jeu! has managed to organize the preconditions for experimental art production by allocating studios and spaces for exhibitions and other events. This is why so many representatives of art institutions in Frankfurt am Main expressed their solidarity: e.g. Judith Hopf (Professor for Visual Arts at the HfBK Städelschule), Prof. Dr. Norbert Abels (Scenario Editor at the Opera in Frankfurt am Main), Max Weinberg (internationaly known artist, since 50 years working in Frankfurt am Main), Michael Krebber (Professor and officiating Principal of the HfBK Städelschule), Tobi Maier (Curator at the Frankfurter Kunstverein until October 2008), the studentrepresentatives of the HfBK Städelschule, the ASTA of the HFG Offenbach, as well as the many artists that already used and will use the spaces in Varrentrappstr. 38, … – All of them expressed their solidarity with the initiative. Faites votre jeu! creates an important signal for this city. The city administration should welcome this proactive initiative with respect and not with criminal complaints or threats to clear the building with police force.

The Real Estate Show will open on the 9th of Januar at 19:00 with regular opening times untill the 31st of January. The entrance is free of charge. The timing of the exhibition could be understood as a reaction to the call to clear the building already on the 15th of January expressed by the responsible representative of the city administration, Jutta Ebberling, head of the communal department for education. We don’t believe that the city government of Frankfurt am Main can afford the public consequences of such policed escallation of violence connected to the clearence of this building. Instead we sincerely invite Jutta Eberling to stop the proceeding criminalization of Faites votre jeu! and to take the opening of The Real Estate Show as an opportunity to get a picture of the enormous success of this initiative.

A project of the Free Class FFM


in solidartiy with Faites votre jeu!


The Real Estate Show is financially supported by Städelschule Portikus e.V.


Free Class FFM präsentiert: The Real Estate Show

in Solidarität mit Faites votre jeu!

Taslima Ahmed | Timothy Furey | Marty Kirchner | Jackie Tarquinio |

Dan Starling | Martin Stiehl | Jeronimo Voss

Eine Kunstausstellung organisiert von Studierenden der HfBK Städelschule und HFG Offenbach im Kunst- und Kulturzentrum der Initiative Faites votre jeu!

Varrentrappstr. 38, Frankfurt am Main

Eröffnung 09.01.2009, 19:00

Ausstellungszeitraum: 10.01.2009 bis 31.01.2009, dienstags 19:00 bis 22:00, mittwochs 19:00 bis 22:00, samstags 17:00 bis 21:00 sowie nach Absprache mit dem Infotelefon 0160-95656439

In der Ausstellung The Real Estate Show präsentiert die Free Class FFM Arbeiten von Studierenden der HFG Offenbach und der HfBK Städelschule. Die Ausstellung bezieht sich konkret auf den prekären Status des Ausstellungsortes. Die kollaborative Installation künstlerischer und nicht-künstlerischer Interventionen, in den Räumlichkeiten des selbstverwalteten Kunst- und Kulturzentrums der Initiative Faites votre Jeu!, positionieren sich dabei als ein deutliches Zeichen künstlerischer Solidarität.

Am 2. August 2008 wurde das seit 7 Jahren leer stehende, ehemals als Jugend- und Kulturzentrum genutzte Haus in der Varrentrappstr. 38 durch die Initiative Faites votre jeu! als selbstverwaltete Kunst- und Kulturinstitution wieder belebt. Als Zusammenhang politischer sowie künstlerischer Interessensgruppen organisiert Faites votre jeu!, seit der Nutzbarmachung des Gebäudes, eine praktische Antwort auf die sozialen Verwerfungen des städtischen Raums in Frankfurt am Main.

Wir, die Künstler_innen der Ausstellung The Real Estate Show, erklären uns solidarisch mit diesen Maßnahmen. Seit vielen Jahren ist zu beobachten wie selbstbestimmte Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten in Frankfurt am Main systematisch eingeschränkt und verunmöglicht werden. Das betrifft auch sehr viele Künstler_innen die sich wichtige Voraussetzungen ihrer Arbeit, wie Ateliers, Werkstätten und andere Produktionsräume, in dieser Stadt nicht mehr leisten können. In dieser Situation hat es die Initiative Faites votre Jeu! geschafft, Voraussetzungen für experimentelle Kunstproduktion zu organisieren, in dem sie Arbeits-, Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsräume unkommerziell zur Verfügung stellt. Dies erklärt auch die breite Unterstützung verschiedenster Repräsentant_innen des Frankfurter Kunst- und Kulturbetriebs: z.B. Judith Hopf (Professorin für Bildende Kunst an der HfBK Städelschule), Prof. Dr. Norbert Abels (Chefdramaturg der Oper Frankfurt), Max Weinberg (international bekannter Künstler, arbeitet seit 50 Jahren in Frankfurt am Main), Michael Krebber (Professor und amtierender Rektor der HfBK Städelschule), Tobi Maier (bis vor kurzem Kurator am Frankfurter Kunstverein), die Studierendenvertretung der HfBK Städelschule, der ASTA der HFG Offenbach, sowie die vielen Frankfurter Künstler_innen die bereits die Räumlichkeiten in der Varrentrappstr. 38 genutzt haben und auch in Zukunft nutzen werden, … – Sie alle haben in entsprechenden Erklärungen ihre Solidarität mit der Initiative Faites votre jeu! zum Ausdruck gebracht. Faites votre jeu! setzt ein wichtiges Signal für diese Stadt. Die Stadtverwaltung sollte die Eigeninitiative dieses Projekts mit Respekt begrüßen, und nicht etwa mit Strafanzeigen oder gar polizeilichen Räumungsdrohungen.

The Real Estate Show wird am 9. Januar um 19:00 eröffnet und mit regelmäßigen Öffnungszeiten bis 31. Januar kostenlos zugänglich sein. Die Terminwahl mag als Antwort auf die Forderung der Frankfurter Bildungsdezernentin Jutta Eberling interpretiert werden, welche die Räumung des Hauses bereits für den 15. Januar fordert. Wir gehen nicht davon aus, dass sich die Frankfurter Stadtregierung die öffentlichen Konsequenzen einer solchen polizeilichen Gewalteskalation leisten wird. Stattdessen laden wir Jutta Eberling herzlich dazu ein, die laufende Kriminalisierung von Faites votre jeu! zu beenden und die Eröffnung von The Real Estate Show zum Anlass zunehmen, sich selbst ein Bild vom enormen Erfolg dieser Initiative zu machen.

Ein Projekt der Free Class FFM


in Solidarität mit Faites votre jeu!


The Real Estate Show wird finanziell gefördert durch Städelschule Portikus e.V.


Martin Stiehl: “untitled” 2009, Jackie Tarquinio: “untitled” 2009


Dan Starling “Posters” 2009, Taslima Ahmed: “Alptraum” 2008


Marty Kirchner: “the utility of need” 2009, Timothey Furey: no title, research fragment


Jeronimo Voss: “untitled” projection, 2009


Timothy Furey: no title, research fragment


Taslima Ahmed: “Alptraum” 2008


Dan Starling: “Posters” 2009


Jackie Tarquinio: “untitled” 2009

The Real Estate Show

Free Class Semester, Winter 2008

Free Class Semester

Realism Working Group, Winter 2008

The Realism Working Group of the Free Class Frankfurt/M invites you to participate in the Free Class Semester 11/2008 on Art + Realism. All events of the Free Class are free of charge.

For further information visit our blog:


and read the online magazine on the topic of Realism.

Feel welcome to visit us!

E-Mail: freeclassfrankfurt@googlemail.com

Language of communication is English.


Reading Seminars:

Monday 01.12.2008 | 17:00 | Städelschule | Readings on Factography

Download Materials:

Benjamin Buchloh “From Faktura to Factography” + Devin Fore “Introduction”


Wednesday 05.11.2008 | 19:15 | Städelschule | Readings on Realism

Download materials:

Klaus Herding: “Realism” part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7

further readings: October “Declaration” part1 part2; LEF “Whom is LEF Alerting?” part1 part2, Benjamin Buchloh “From Faktura to Factography


Free Class Semester, Winter 2008

Trompe-l’œil Polizei

scroll down for german version | deutscher text siehe unten

Realism Working Group // Free Class Frankfurt/M

at Frankfurter Kunstverein:

Trompe-l’œil Polizei

June 7 – September 7, 2008

Opening: June 6, 2008, 19:00

For the 10 reasons to be a member space of the Frankfurter Kunstverein, the Realism Working Group of the Free Class Frankfurt/M has produced a body of works dedicated to the relationship between art and reality production. Departing from the assumption that our present reality is not based on the forces of nature, but instead on the forces of a diffuse police order of constructed ‘practical constraints’ the group searches for artistic methods that highlight the changeability of the present.

Besides the design of an exhibition the group also produced a bi-lingual (english/german) newspaper dedicated to the actuality of the term “Realism”, while at the same time discussing the significance of collaborative strategies. Furthermore, the project includes a film and discussion programme.

The members of the Realism Working Group are: Rebecca Ann Tess, Michael Eddy, Jonas Jensen, Martin Kirchner, Flo Maak, Siw Umsonst, Jeronimo Voss.

Further information can be found under: http://freeclassfrankfurt.wordpress.com as well as www.fkv.de

Link to Video by Rebacca Ann Tess, Jonas Jensen, Flo Maak: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=rzWDxKzWFnA


german version:

Realism Working Group // Free Class Frankfurt/M

im Frankfurter Kunstverein:

Trompe-l’œil Polizei

7. Juni – 7. September, 2008

Eröffnung: 6. Juni, 2008, 19:00

Die Realism Working Group der Free Class Frankfurt/M. widmet sich in ihrem Beitrag für den 10 Reasons Raum des Frankfurter Kunstvereins dem Verhältnis von Kunst und Wirklichkeitsproduktion. Aktuelle gesellschaftliche Realitäten basieren nicht auf Naturgewallten, sondern auf einer diffusen polizeilichen Ordnung konstruierter ‘Sachzwänge’. Ausgehend von dieser Prämisse sucht die Gruppe nach künstlerisch-kollaborativen Methoden die die Veränderlichkeit dieser Gegenwart in den Vordergrund stellen.

Neben der Gestaltung einer Ausstellung produziert die Gruppe eine zweisprachige (de/en) Zeitung die sich der Aktualität des Begriffs „Realismus“ widmet und dabei zugleich die Bedeutung kollaborativer Strategien diskutiert. Begleitend gibt es ein Film- und Diskussionsprogramm.

Mitglieder der Realism Working Group sind: Rebecca Ann Tess, Michael Eddy, Jonas Jensen, Martin Kirchner, Flo Maak, Siw Umsonst, Jeronimo Voss.

Weitere Informationen unter: http://freeclassfrankfurt.wordpress.com und www.fkv.de

Link zum Video von Rebacca Ann Tess, Jonas Jensen, Flo Maak: www.de.youtube.com watch?v=rzWDxKzWFnA

Trompe-l’œil Polizei

Free Class Semester, Summer 2008

Free Class Semester

Realism Working Group, Summer 2008

The Realism Working Group of the Free Class Frankfurt/M invites you to participate in the Free Class Semester 07/2008 on Art + Realism. All events of the Free Class are free of charge.

For further information visit our blog:


and read the online magazine on this topic.

Feel welcome to visit us!

E-Mail: freeclassfrankfurt@googlemail.com

Language of communication is English.


Sunday 6.7.2008 | 16:30 | Realism | Conversation with Johannes Raether, Kerstin Stakemeier and Hito Steyerl at Frankfurter Kunstverein (www.fkv.de) | in collaboration with HfBK Städelschule.

The topic of this discussion event will be artistic Realism – not as a term that defines a technique of copying reality but as a method of critical intervention into the production of that reality. Taking into consideration its complex history, present definitions of realism will be discussed in the context of their political development. What does it mean to define realism as a critical stance toward artistic production today? Which methods might enable the construction of realist views on the changeability of our present?

This round table discussion is organized as part of the project “Trompe-l’œil Polizei” by the Realism Working Group // Free Class Frankfurt/M. The group produced a bi-lingual newspaper (German/English) that is dedicated to the topic of realism, as well as the significance of collaborative strategies. It comprises interviews with “Chto delat?” and Claire Fontaine, an article by Johannes Raether and Kerstin Stakemeier, as well as texts and images by the members of the Realism Working Group. This newspaper is available in the ’10 Reasons to be a Member’ space at the Frankfurter Kunstverein for free distribution and online at: https://realismworkinggroup.wordpress.com.

Furthermore, the project includes a film program at Frankfurter Kunstverein and a series of workshops at HfBK Städelschule.


Monday 7.7.2008 | 11:00 | Realist Measures | Workshop with Johannes Raether and Kerstin Stakemeier | at HfBK Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main, Dürerstr. 10.

Where traditional art historical attempts acknowledge Realism only as either a bourgeois style in artistic production which arose with the bourgeois subject in the middle of the 19th century, or as a condemned Stalinist limitation of artistic expression in Russia after 1932, we want to use this workshop to practically propose a contemporary concept of Realism as a process with reality. As ideas of a positive Universalism have vanished and been replaced by the historical experiences of late capitalism’s negative universality, the fragmented condition of radical attempts toward an attack on this state of art is not a site of mourning but one of an urgency to act. Realism in artistic production could, in this context, be formulated as an ongoing attempt to produce excessive processes of realist constructions, a desire to expand fragments of radicality towards a positive, even if only preliminary, universalism. Re-reading fragments of texts by Charles Baudelaire on modernity as a state of disintegration, Victor Shklovsky on radical formalism, George Bataille on excess, Boris Arvatov on the necessary abolition of the notion of the everyday, and George Lukács on realism as a political stance, we want to use these first hints to discuss the praxis of a present urge towards realism as excess. This workshop is not primarily a theoretical registering of historical sources but is rather ridden by a desire to translate them into a praxis.

The literature will be handed out in the workshop.

Thursday 10.7.2008 | 11:00 | The Politics of Aesthetics | Workshop with Maria Muhle in cooperation with Isabelle Graw’s reading seminar at HfBK Städelschule | Frankfurt am Main, Dürerstr. 10.

In this workshop the Free Class participates in the reading seminar of Prof. Isabelle Graw of HfBK Städelschule and philosopher Maria Muhle to discuss Jacques Rancière’s book “The Politics of Aesthetics.”

Friday 11.7.2008 | 11:00 | Why it’s Time for Realism, Again | Workshop with Maria Muhle | at HfBK Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main, Dürerstr. 10.

Jacques Rancière distinguishes in his aesthetic theory between the aesthetic regime of arts and representative regime of art: this distinction short-circuits the traditional narrative of art history, which identifies the key historical break as the passage from representation to abstraction, i.e. from realist to abstract art. The aesthetic regime of the arts is thus not the negation of representation – it is a different politics of representation, one that does not reject resemblance. Rather, it arises from the rupture with the criteria that regulate resemblance in the representational regime. The rupture of the representational logic is not a rupture with realism – in fact, it proposes a new logic in which resemblance is linked to a new realism, one I would like to call an aesthetic realism. Whereas the representative regime thinks of realism in terms of the Aristotelian notion of mimesis, through which we learn something general about the represented object, aesthetic realism is defined by the radical indifference of both its object and its forms of representation. 19th-century literary realism, in relation to which the new realism emerges, undermines the hierarchies of genres, subjects and forms typical of the representational regime in order to replace them with the indifferent writing of and on the everyday. This aesthetic realism is marked by an ability of things and words to mean both more and less than they are supposed to: an anarchic potentiality of connecting the sensible with sense, through which things, words, images and gestures escape from their »natural«, instituted, determined role.

During this workshop Maria Muhle will interrogate the notion of aesthetic realism by confronting it with the modernist paradigm of autonomous art and its mediality (Greenberg, Adorno). Thereby the Rancierian idea of an aesthetic regime of the arts helps to understand what notion of realism this regime depends on. Both parts will share a concern with the political dimension of artistic practices. In the case of aesthetic realism, the political dimension is triggered by a double fictionality, one that goes back and forth between the fictionalization of the real and the realization of a fiction. The notion of fiction and its relationship to the real, reality and realism will thus be crucial to the workshop. We will take the work of Irish artist Gerard Byrne as an exemplary approach to these questions.

Download literature for this Workshop:

Louis Althusser: »The ›Piccolo Teatro‹: Bertolazzi and Brecht. Notes on a Materialist Theatre« (1962), in: For Marx (1965).

Maria Muhle: »Why It’s Time for Realism, Again«, in: Afterall 17, Antwerp, London, Los Angeles, Spring 2008. Part 1, Part 2

Jacques Rancière: »Aesthetic separation, aesthetic community«, unpublished manuscript, June 2006.

For this workshop there is more literature available in the library of HfBK Städelschule, but there is no need to read all the texts in order to participate.


Maria Muhle studied philosophy and political science in Madrid and Paris. PhD: “A genealogy of biopolitics. The notion of life in the thought of Michel Foucault and Georges Canguilhem.” Her research focuses on contemporary political and aesthetic theory. Recently she has published “Lager und Biopolitik”, in: Auszug aus dem Lager, Bielefeld 2007; “Zone d’attente et camps étrangers”, in: Le retour des camps, Paris 2006; “Equality and public realm according to Hannah Arendt“, in: Continuous Project # 8, Dijon 2006; “Gleichheit zwischen Ästhetik und Politik.” Introduction to Jacques Rancière, Die Aufteilung des Sinnlichen, Berlin 2006.

Johannes Raether is an artist based in Berlin. For further information visit his webside.

Kerstin Stakemeier holds an MA in Political Science and History of Art. She is working on Phd projects in both disciplines on the „Aesthetization of Politics“ and on „Artistic labor and Revolution – artists as amateurs“. She publishes frequently on topics related to art, labor and materialist philosophy, is a member of the Radical Culture Research Collective and, together with Nina Köller, runs the „Aktualisierungsraum“, a project space based in Hamburg, which stages twelve subsequent exhibitions all concerned with the carving out and discussing of past events, objects or theories of historical significance which are than actualized and exhibited in the space. http://www.aktualisierungsraum.org

Hito Steyerl has produced a variety of work as a filmmaker and author in the field of essayist documentary filmography and post-colonial critique, both as a producer and a theorist. Her works are situated on an interface between the cinema and fine arts, and between theory and practice. Her principal topics of interest are: cultural globalization, feminism, culture, global migration and racism. In 2004 she participated in Manifesta5, The European Biennial of Contemporary Art. She recently participated in Documenta 12, Kassel 2007 and is a visiting professor at the University of Arts Berlin.

Film Screenings:

Symbiopsychotaxiplasm, William Greaves, 1968

23.06.2008, 19:00 at Frankfurter Kunstverein

This film, done by independent filmmakers who produced a multitude of documentaries as well as feature films and television programs, is from an early time in their career . The director is well known for bringing African-American issues to the forefront. Symbiopyschotaxiplasm is such an attempt, working in the film-within-a-film format that it adopts , it merges a conventional looking drama that is going on off-screen in Central Park in New York City with the conflict and frustration that eventually explodes on-screen.

Tout va bien, Dziga Vertov Group (Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin), 1972

01.07.2008, 19:00 at Frankfurter Kunstverein

This film by the two founding members of the French New Wave cinema revolves around a strike at a sausage factory as experienced by an American reporter and her husband, who is French. Directed as a collaboration between Godard and Jean- Pierre Gorin, Tout Va Bien shows the class struggle that happens in a precarious working environment and takes Marxist theory at its base. Formally, on the other hand, it approaches a Brechtian look in the way references to the outside world are combined with the unmistakable presence of the camera.

Always love your man (Ama l’Uomo Tuo), Cara DeVito, 1975 + Letter to Jane, Dziga Vertov Group (Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin), 1972

04.07.2008, 19:00 at Frankfurter Kunstverein

Again an early work from the director’s career, Always Love Your Man is a short documentary that depicts the story of DeVito’s grandmother and the abusive behavior she experiences in her relationship with her husband. The feminist approach dominant with the film comes across as DeVito observes her grandmother both in her private element telling stories of the now-deceased grandfather as well as in her social circle as obeying the position that she is assigned to.

Letter to Jane is a film that Godard and Gorin directed as a follow-up to Tout Va Bien. The film features a single news photograph of Jane Fonda, one of the main characters from Tout Va Bien, looking over some Vietnamese people (?) , and a voice-over commentary in which Godard and Gorin deconstruct the photograph, attempting to understand the implications that lie within the pose and the protagonist. This film was the last collaboration between Godard and Gorin.

Blue, Dereck Jarman, 1991

29.07.2008, 19:00 at Frankfurter Kunstverein

The Film Blue by the English film director was the next to last film he produced before his passing away. At the time of the making of Blue, Jarman was blind due to AIDS and Blue consists of a single long shot of a rich blue color. The color fills the whole screen and is accompanied by a background soundtrack composed by Simon Fisher Tuner. It was shown in British TV on Channel 4.

Southland Tales, Richard Kelley, 2006

30.07.2008, 19:00 at Frankfurter Kunstverein

This movie, set in the futuristic date of July 4, 2008, features three main characters, two of which are in the movie industry and one who is a police officer. The backdrop for the events is the nuclear attack that happened in the year 2005 partially wiping out Texas and subsequently increasing the control of the virtual police over citizens’ lives. The actor and the porn star keep finding themselves in a situation where they have to incorporate the political situation surrounding themselves into the scripts and screening that they are involved in.

Free Class Semester, Summer 2008